I learned an unbelievable amount about what was out there in the world to bring interesting ideas and activities to the classroom rather than just a chalkboard and an overhead projector. I will definitely have a web page for my classes when i start teaching. what a fantastic way to communicate with parents and let them know what is going on in the classroom. This is a great way for kids to keep up on homework if they miss school or forget to write down an assignment--and parents for that matter to know what the kid should be working on.
Technology in the classroom is a must and i know that now that i have been through this class. I will always be looking for a way to integrate technology into a lesson plan and look for interesting ways to improve learning.
and Doc--you are very inspiring! from the notes that you sent after we submitted assignments, to your energy and enthusiasm in the classroom--and your passion for the subject was contagious! thank you for doing such a great job and I'm looking forward to the reading-hybrid course this summer!